Automotive Intelligence Insights
Part 3

This article is part of the weekly Insights Series, in which Automotive Intelligence shares techniques, tips & tricks that you can use to become a better, smarter car salesperson, even in the times of corona. In part 3, we look into the logistical and operational aspects of your preparations.
The previous instalment of Automotive Intelligence Insights was all about the importance of a good story. What was that all about again? Now that the showrooms are a little less busy, sales reps have more time to prepare quotes and carry out essential preliminary research; who is the customer you’ll be speaking to and what car do they drive? Try to gather as much information as possible so you can turn simple address details into a story. The better the story matches up with your customer’s life, needs, and wishes, the greater the chance that you will sell the story (and the car). But there’s more you can do, and that’s what part 3 of AM-i Insights is all about.
Missed part 2? The second article in our Insights series can be found here:
AM-i Insights part 2Getting your ducks in a row
Having your ducks in a row, or being well prepared for the future, is what this third article in the AM-i Insights series is all about. So, what’s going to happen now? You’ll be presenting a quote to your customer. How do you convert this chance into a sale? There’s more to it than just a good quote: the whole process has to be meticulously prepared. Think of it as a game of chess. Ultimately you’re after the king, but there’s a game to play first. You’ll have to get all your pieces in position before you’re ready for the final move. We’ve already discussed some of these pieces, such as the quote and preparing the right story, but there are some other, simple things you can do to boost your odds.
Test drive from home or the office
These days, customers may have a strong preference for a test drive from their home or from the office. Before you can offer this service, you’ll have to take care of some logistical matters. Is your dealership or car company willing to provide this service? Identify all the steps that have to be taken to make the service possible. Due to the corona crisis, for example, it will be difficult to send two employees out on the road if they’ll have to come back in the same car. Using a car hauler, if one is available, is a much easier option. Another option could be to meet at a restaurant, as soon as they reopen, near the customer, so you can have a cup of coffee while the customer takes a test drive. Besides, this opens the door to offering the customer a cup of coffee after the test drive, so that you can sit down together and talk the car over.
Visiting the showroom? explain your measures
If a customer would still prefer coming to the showroom, make sure you can easily inform them of the measures your dealership or car company has taken to ensure the safety of its customers and employees. Draw up a clear list of all measures, make them easy to find on your website and save them in a text file that you can easily attach to emails. This will help customers feel safe and remove another potential obstacle. Again, being proactive pays off! If you do not have a clear list of measures yet, now is the time to get to work.
Keep your momentum going
Did you check LinkedIn or Facebook to see who you were dealing with before you made the first call? This will help you find the right tone during the first stages. Have you read through the Online Consultation instructions? You’ll find it easier to answer any questions the customer may have. Can you offer test drives from home? Great, this means you’ll never have to disappoint a customer. Was the customer enthusiastic about the test drive? Good, now you can follow up on their interest right away, because you’ve already drawn up the quote. All these things are important, because they help you keep your momentum going. If you have an answer to everything, you’ll keep the customer in a state of flow, resulting in a sale. Every time you have look into something, don’t know the answer, or have to get back to something later, you’re giving the customer a chance to change their mind.

First impressions
The final way to get a head start is to make a good first impression. Depending on how you get in touch with the customer, there are several different details that may affect their disposition and willingness to buy. If the process starts with a test drive, it goes without saying that the car should be in tip-top condition. If you have an appointment with a customer for an Online Consultation, remember that a well-groomed appearance and, if possible, an attractive background are very important. Finally, it may be a cliché, but good coffee and a tidy desk will always be key when hosting customers in a showroom.
Share your tips and experiences
Help your colleagues improve their sales skills by sharing your tips with AM-i. If you have a golden tip or approach that works a treat with Online Consultation? Share your experiences by sending an email to and we’ll include them in AM-i Insights.
To find out more about AM-i Carstock and Online Consultation, visit the website and make an appointment for a live demo.
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